(Sheet) Music for Education


  1. Cornfield Chase from INTERSTELLAR OST by Hans Zimmer et. al. for guitar
  2. Hallelujah – Leonard Cohen


Basslehrer Berlin

  1. Bassübung


Gitarrenlehrer Berlin

  1. 3-notes-per-string scales in C
  2. Arpeggio Etude in Am
  3. Arpeggio Etude in Am No. 2
  4. Arpeggio Etude in G
  5. Arpeggio Etude with small steps
  6. Arpeggios 2 notes-per-string in C
  7. basic guitar chords vs. basic piano chords
  8. circle of fifth counter-clockwise
  9. Major - sus2 - #5sus2 - #5sus4
  10. major scale vs. chromatic scale on guitar in C
  11. Modal Interchange Arpeggios in C
  12. pop-chord-voicings for guitar
  13. Powerchords (P1+P5)
  14. secondary dominants and diminished chords
  15. Seventh Chords Arpeggio Etude in C for Guitar
  16. String Skipping Scale Etude in C
  17. suspended chords
  18. Tapping Etude on 2 strings in E
  19. vi-IV-V-I Arpeggios
  20. vi-IV-V-I Fingerstyle


Klavierlehrer Berlin

  1. 6 classical progressions in 2 keys
  2. Arpeggio Etude in C
  3. Chords & Slash Chords aka Triads & Inversions in C
  4. Chords In Modes Modal Interchange Chords
  5. ii-V-I-IV jazz 2-5-1(-4) chord progression
  6. IVI Arpeggio Etude Along The Circle Of 5ths
  7. Modulation I-iii
  8. Modulation um zwei Halbtöne abwärts
  9. Tritonussubstitution am Bsp. der II-V-I Kadenz


Musiklehrer Berlin

  1. (kl)eine einfache Fuge für 2 Stimmen für Klavier
  2. Harmonical Analysis in C
  3. Imitations-Techniken Bsp. in C
  4. Imitations-Techniken leer
  5. Kontrapunkt komponieren Bsp. in C
  6. Kontrapunkt komponieren leer
  7. Oktavregel - kontrapunktische Harmonisierung von Sekund-Basslinien
  8. pop-song-structure ABCABC in C
  9. pop-song-structure ABCABC template
  10. Quintenzirkel Rap
  11. Übung für eine Invention Lösungen


Schlagzeuglehrer Berlin

  1. Beats Level 1
  2. Beats Level 2

Status: August 2024